College Scholarships

High School Students in Fauquier County, VA
Apply for a College Scholarship

College Scholarship Guidelines


The Loeb Foundation located in Warrenton, VA has established scholarships to assist and encourage worthy and industrious Fauquier County, VA students to obtain education beyond high school at an accredited college or university. Graduating high school seniors from Fauquier County area public high schools are eligible to apply.


Each scholarship will be for $5,000.00.  The award shall be distributed annually at the beginning of the new school year and made directly to the junior college, college or university.  Depending upon satisfactory yearly completion of studies, this award will be renewable for three years providing the recipient sends a new renewal request and provides evidence verifying performance during the year.


  1. Graduating senior at a Fauquier County Public High School.
  2. High School GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Have engaged in community service of a significant nature.
  4. Have two individual references with a phone number and email address.
  5. Have demonstrated financial need.
  6. Will be pursuing an undergraduate or associate degree at a recognized junior college, college or university.
  7. Must complete Loeb Foundation scholarship application.


  1. Digital applications must be completed on The Loeb Foundation Website.
  2. Each applicant should request a transcript to be submitted with the application.
  3. Applicants must write a short statement (no more than 500 words) that summarizes information about their goals, financial needs and community service as shown on the application form.
  4. Two references should be included. Only one may be a teacher or school administrator.
  5. Any other relevant documents required by the High School application process should be included.


Initial collection and review of applications shall be by the Executive Director of The Loeb Foundation.  Final determination of the recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Advisory Committee and approved by the board of directors of The Loeb Foundation.


All required documents must be submitted with the application on The Loeb Foundation website no later than April 8th of the graduating year.


Scholarship recipients must be full time students and maintain passing grades.  The recipients will be required to contact The Loeb Foundation Executive Director annually or call him at 540-428-1960 to deliver their renewal request and to review their progress.  The Loeb Foundation shall receive as part of the renewal process the latest transcript from the educational institution at least once each year to confirm the student’s academic status and eligibility for the scholarship.


To save your current work, scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Save button.

Need More Help?

For technical help, please click here, or call 540-341-0200.

For scholarship questions, please click here or call Tom Kirk at 540-428-1960.